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World of Viruses:Flu Pandemic
Produced by: Lakshmi Singh
From pig to farm worker and back to pig – that’s the path of the perfect swine flu virus. Likewise, chickens and turkeys, not to mention geese and birds, are hot zones for pandemic flu viruses. In the past, when governments grew concerned about a particular flu, often they will isolate, quarantine or even kill animals that carry a suspect virus. Now animal health and public health authorities are beginning to collaborate on more extensive bio-security. Producer Lakshmi Singh visits farms, fairs and clinics, to find out how surveillance is preparing for the next pandemic.

The illustration, which shows how flu pandemics are spread, is provided with permission from 2006 Albrecht GFX and the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.

Program Credits

World of Viruses: Flu Pandemic was produced by Lakshmi Singh, and mixed by Jared Weissbrot with support from science editor Barbara Culliton. This program is part of the series "World of Viruses" produced with support from SEPA, the Science Education Partnership Award Program at NIH, the National Center for Research Resources, in collaboration with NET Radio, the Nebraska Center for Virology and the University of Nebraska.


Avian Flu Reoccurance
On December 29 2009, the Hong Kong Veterinary Authority reported finding an Oriental Robin with the Avian (H5N1) Flu. A bird common in Hong Kong

Drug companies and Their Influence on the Flu Pandemic
After the scare of the Swine flu and huge amounts vaccines produced that now seem like a waste, there are questions about Scientists hired by the government and their links to drug comapnies and what they stand to gain from the pandemic.

Swine Flu Scare
Here is a look back at the Swine Flu scare that dominated 2009.

World of Viruses
Check out our collection of documentaries that focus on different viruses, from those necessary for the environment to others detrimental to our health.

Beat the Flu: Protect Yourself and Your Family from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Pandemic Flu and Seasonal Flu
by: Richard Stooker 2009
Stooker's book is aimed at having people equipt with enough information to protect immune systems from any type of flu. It also has simple and easy solutions to treat the flu if inflicted.

The Fatal Strain: On the Trail of Avian Flu and the Coming Pandemic
by: Alan Sipress 2009
Clues about flu outbreaks may come from animal handlers than scientists who end up missing signs and available to help treat the outbreak. Sipress tracked the avian strain as it passed through remote villages and was not tracked until it hit cities across Asia. In a continent where most people would rather have a live meat like chicken for cultural and socioeconomic reasons than package meat, these make it a perfect breeding ground for the flu strains.

Swine Flu
by: A.M. Dumar 2009
On the heels of the Swine Flu outbreak, here is a introduction on everything you need to know about Swine Flu including symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

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