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HPV - the Shy Virus
Produced by: Jean Snedegar
The Human Papillomavirus - or HPV - is a common virus that touches billions of human beings in one way or another - from a tiny wart on the hand to invasive cancer. HPV is a major health threat worldwide, yet mostly harmless. The virus can "hide" for years from a person's immune system - with no apparent ill effects - then awaken and create deadly disease. This is the story of a virus that often doesn't act as scientists expect it to - a puzzling, paradoxical virus. HPV, the Shy Virus is part of the series "World of Viruses".

The photograph showing the structure of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), is provided with permission by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln/ Angie Fox, illustrator/ 2009.

Program Credits

HPV-the Shy Virus was produced by Jean Snedegar and mixed by Jared Weissbrot. Special thanks to science editors and reviewers Carl Zimmer, Al Klingelhutz and Barbara Culliton. This program is part of the series "World of Viruses" produced with support from SEPA, the Science Education Partnership Award Program at NIH, the National Center for Research Resources, in collaboration with NET Radio, the Nebraska Center for Virology and the University of Nebraska.


The Yellow Umbrella Organization
Christine Baze, a survivor featured on the program, created the Yellow Umbrella to educate people about the Human Papillomavirus.

National Cancer Institute
Know the keypoints,facts, Statistics and more on the Human Papillomavirus.

The Angeletti Lab
The Angeletti Lab focuses on replication, encapsidation and pathogenesis of the Human Papillomavirus.

Harald zur Hausen
Learn more about the man who discovered the link between HPV and cervical cancer.

Anal cancer
Learn all you need to know about anal cancer.

World of Viruses
Check out our collection of documentaries that focus on different viruses, from those necessary for the environment to others detrimental to our health.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About HPV and Abnormal Pap Smears
by: Joel Palefsky 2002
This book, written for the general public, helps explain clearly what the human papillomavirus is, how it is transmitted, the different cancers it causes as well as advice on prevention and treatment.

The HPV Vaccine Controversy: Sex, Cancer, God, and Politics: A Guide for Parents, Women, Men, and Teenagers
by: Shobha S. Krishnan 2008
Though the vaccine has been hailed as a break through in preventing cervical and other cancers, there have been some controversy surrounding the ages recommended for prevention for girls as young as 9. This book, explains the disease, the vaccine and legislative aims to require the vaccine.

Anti-Cancer Cookbook: How to Cut Your Risk with the Most Powerful, Cancer-Fighting Foods
by: Julia B. Greer 2008
This cookbook provides delicious recipies with cancer-fighting ingredients.

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Programs by Jean Snedegar

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