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Equity in Education
Produced by: Kathy Baron
Brown vs. the Board of Education was the 1954 Supreme Court decision that declared the old "separate but equal" policies of many school boards unconstitutional. Producer Kathy Baron takes a look at how far school systems have come over the past 50+ years in assuring equality for all students and whether technology plays a role in giving these students access. The Brown case triggered numerous court mediated desegregation policies around the country. Some school systems are only now emerging from court orders. Are schools for minority students now equal to those of primarily white students? And many higher education systems are facing a grim reality. In California university systems are not able to admit everyone who is eligible and a large percentage of incoming freshman are enrolled in remedial classes. Another major court case found that K-12 students in the state were not getting equal access to education. What, in fact, does an equal education look like? This program is part of our ongoing series on education and technology and is funded in part by the United States Department of Education.

Program Credits

Equity in Education was produced by Kathy Baron. Production assistance from Stacy Bond, and Dan Freedman. The program was mixed by Jared Weissbrot. Special thanks to KQED in San Francisco. This program is part of our series on Education and Technology, produced with support from the US Department of Education.


Red White Blue & Brown Matter to All Americans
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund announces a public education campaign to help ensure that the spirit of Brown is fully realized.

Horizons of Opportunities: Celebrating 50 Years of Brown V. Board of Education
The National Education Association hosts a celebration to raise awareness about the horizons of opportunities opened up by that decision and the continuing need to make real improvements in public education.

Forum 2003
The College Board celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education and reaffirms our commitment to providing a quality education for all students.

Brown Foundation
The Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence and Research was established in 1988 as a living tribute to the attorneys and plaintiffs in the landmark U.S. 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown v the Board of Education.

What Brown v. Board of Education Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Landmark Civil Rights Decision
by: Jack M. Balkin (Editor) 2004
Half a century later, top legal experts attempt to rewrite the Brown v. Board decision with the benefit of hindsight.

Linda Brown, You Are Not Alone: The Brown V. Board of Education Decision
by: Joyce Carol Thomas (Editor), Curtis E. James (Illustrator) 2003
Ten writers express their thoughts and memories on desegregation and a critical time in American history through poetry and prose.

Brown v. Board of Education: Caste, Culture, and the Constitution
by: Robert J. Cottrol, Leland B. Ware, and Raymond T. Diamond 2003
An accessible and current history of the lengthy litigations that lead to the Brown v. Board of Education decision.

All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on the First Half-Century of Brown V. Board of Education
by: Charles J. Ogletree 2004
Ogletree contemplates being a

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Programs by Kathy Baron

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